Honey bee education and research in Western Australia.
Come and experience all things bees and honey.
The Bee Shed will be a world-class interactive educational experience for students, tourists, bee researchers, and enthusiasts. Located in the historic town of York, an hour east of Perth in Western Australia, this not-for-profit bee discovery centre is an ambitious project to support the sharing and advancement of bee knowledge.
Bee Central is seeking partners to help us bring this exciting project to life.
Welcome to the Bee Education and Discovery Centre
Our bee education, research and discovery centre will be the hub of The Bee Shed. Here you’ll learn about the life of bees by experiencing it, not just reading about it.
- Explore interactive displays and large-scale bee models.
- Watch and learn about bees with our live-hive.
- Investigate the innovative Australian ‘Flow Hive’ invention.
- Experience first-hand everything our wonderful bees can produce.
See, hear, smell, taste, and touch all things bees.
The Bee Central discovery centre will be the perfect destination for bee enthusiasts and students’ educational programs featuring demonstrations, lectures, and downloadable educational materials.
Bee Central Café and Retail Shop
Rest and enjoy a meal in our cafe or visit the retail shop to buy eating honey produced by WA beekeepers, medicinal grade active honey, and other honey bee merchandise such as novelty items, cosmetics, pollen, and essential oils.

Set and bee models deigned and built by the award winning Wetaworks Workshop NZ

Bee Education and Research Lab
Working collaboratively with the University of Western Australia, Bee Central in York will set up a research laboratory that will allow Ph.D. Candidates to extend their research and further develop this lucrative industry for WA. A live monitor will give visitors a peek behind the scenes of the latest bee research.
Lecture Theatre and Auditorium
Our training centre with lecture theatre will fit up to 40 people and will be open for use by schools and bee networking groups. The lecture theatre will have concertina seating, so it can also be a function room for those wanting to use it for environmental-related causes.
Bee Central and The Bee Shed are partnering with The Orangutan Project to help protect 100,000 hectares of Aceh’s ancient Leuser Ecosystem. This unique environment is thought to be the last place on earth where critically endangered orangutans, elephants, rhinos and tigers coexist in the wild.
We are currently accepting expressions of interest from value-aligned organisations to create a sustainable future for our bees and the environment. Play your part in helping bees thrive, not just survive, through ground-breaking research and experiential education at our world-class discovery centre, The Bee Shed.
Reach out to find out more about how we can work together.